New Podcast Episode: You Are Not Alone (and some EXCITING NEWS!)

Hello Everyone!
I have a couple of exciting pieces of news to share with you.
There is a new Podcast Episode Available!
Ep.43 of Your Anxiety Toolkit: You are not Alone
Don’t miss the most recent podcast episode!
You can listen to the episode for FREE on iTunes HERE
You can listen to the episode for FREE on Stitcher HERE
You can listen to the episode for FREE streaming HERE
Just a couple of weeks ago, I attended and was honored to present at the Southern California OCD Conference ran by It was such an incredible event and I left with my heart feeling full and mind inspired.
The thing I love the most about these conferences is that the energy of the attendees. It is so infectious. At the beginning of the day, the room is filled with bustling anticipation and hope.
After listening to the keynote speakers (more about this in next weeks podcast episode) and breaking into group sessions where attendees learn tools to manage their OCD (I spoke on Mindfulness and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for OCD), we meet at the end of the day for a final Q&A with the panelists. The room was filled with togetherness. There was a sense of community and cohesion that warmed my heart (and it lasted for days).
The next day and for days to come, I felt this together-ness. Ther was a real sense of community and support. I decided to post on Instagram how honored I was to attend such a beautiful conference and I sent out the message that "YOU ARE NOT ALONE". I knew a lot of people were not able to attend such a wonderful event and I wanted to spread the love and connection that I was feeling.
The response flawed me. Direct Messages and emails came in from those who are struggling with OCD and Anxiety and Depression, reporting how alone they feel.
It got me wondering.
Do you feel ALONE in your suffering?
Do you feel like no one understands just how hard it is for you?
Do you feel like no one could possibly understand what is it like to experience such anxiety and fear and panic?
I am also wondering, Do you feel alone in your bravery?
Do you feel like no one understands or appreciates how incredibly brave you are? You get up every day and do your best to get through the day with anxiety and depression and dread. You face your fears, not because you want to, but because you HAVE to.
Do you feel so alone that you feel angry? Maybe you are so angry and hurt because no one else you know has to face their fears every single day, day in and day out.
Do you feel alone because everyone else seems to do the thing that you fear so easily?
If any of this describes you, let me tell you something.
Millions of people like you are out there, facing their fears every single day. Anxiety is scary and isolating. But don't let that stop you.
In addition, there are MANY ways you can find others who are out there struggling with exactly what you are struggling with. Read below to hear about how CBT School hopes to help YOU feel connected.
Don’t miss the most recent podcast episode!
You can listen to the episode for FREE on iTunes HERE
You can listen to the episode for FREE on Stitcher HERE
You can listen to the episode for FREE streaming HERE
We have BIG news!
In this week's podcast episode, I announce that CBT School has created a FaceBook Group called CBT SChool Campus to help reduce your experience of feeling alone in your mental health struggles. This is a place to come when you feel like NO ONE understands and NO ONE can help. CBT School Campus is a place to learn and a place to feel supported. It should not replace professional health care but is definitely a place where you can feel comfortable sharing and contributing.
I will be doing the bi-monthly Facebook Live Magic Monday events in the group starting April 23rd, 2018. I am so excited to move in this direction, as it lines up exactly with the mission of
Click the below link to be added to the group. I would LOVE to have you join us.
CBT School Campus Private Facebook Group
Link to OCD So Cal Below:
OCD SoCal is an affiliate of the International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation (IOCDF)
I cannot wait to see you all at the Annual BFRB Conference in San Fransisco. Less than two weeks, guys! I will be presenting on Radical Self Acceptance, Healthy Lifestyles for BFRB's and Self Compassion. Come and join us for this amazing event.
Forward we go!