Two Powerful Words That Can Help You Manage Thoughts, Feelings & Sensations.

Thoughts. They are often very wrong! If we observe our thoughts, we will begin to notice how incorrect they are.
Feelings. They too can lead us down a path of reaction and regret.
Sensations. These can be hard to manage, mostly because they are very uncomfortable and can make us feel out of control.
In this week's podcast, I want to introduce you to TWO words that could change your experience of thoughts, feelings, and sensations, if you put them into practice enough.
Hop on over to the podcast to listen!
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You can listen to Episode 41 streaming HERE
Before I share the TWO WORDS with you, I want to encourage you to first get used to observing what you are thinking, feeling and experiencing.
It could be emotions such as sadness, anger, fear, frustration, irritability etc.
It could be thoughts that are causing distress.
Possibly thoughts about how we cope, such as "I am so angry" or "I am so upset" or "I am not getting better" or "I cant do this" or "I cant handle this."
It could also be intrusive thoughts you are having (related to OCD) such as "Am I going to harm my child?" or "What if I am gay?" or "I will get sick if I touch that ATM machine".
We also need to observe sensations such as increased heart rate, shaking, sweating, tightness in our chest, or depersonalization etc.
For those who have Trichotillomania or Compulsive Skin Picking (Excoriation Disorder) or other Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors, it could be sensations such as tingling fingers, itchiness or throbbing near the hair or skin area that you are sensitive to.
Once you are able to notice and observe these experiences, I encourage you to THEN ADD THESE TWO LITTLE WORDS so that can change your whole experience.
Are you ready?
The Two Words are......For Now.
When we observe a thought or sensation or a feeling and we end it with "For Now", we are recognizing that everything is temporary and nothing is permanent.
We can identify that these thoughts, feelings, and sensations will come and go, in their own time.
Do you notice a difference in these sentences?
I am so angry, For now.
I cannot handle this, for now.
I am feeling hopeless, for now.
I am experiencing a panic attack, for now.
I am experiencing itchiness, for now.
The story we tell ourselves can either lift us up or create depression and continued negative self-talk
We must remember to end almost every sentence with "For Now".
I am full, for now.
I am so bored, for now. FOR NOW
If you can notice it, and then clarify the impermanence of each experience, you are quickly moving towards a more mindful and present life.
Go over to the podcast to hear a fun meditation that includes the use of "For Now!"
You can listen to the episode on iTunes HERE
You can listen to the episode on Stitcher HERE
You can listen to Episode 41 streaming HERE
Forward we go!