My 5 Favorite Tips to Manage Panic Attacks and Severe Anxiety

Welcome back CBTSCHOOL.COM family!
First of all, I hope you enjoyed last weeks podcast about managing Perfectionism and Fear. I ADORED all the feedback about how this was a major shift for some of you. If you didn't hear it, Check it out HERE!
Secondly, I also want to make sure you know about MAGIC MONDAY!
Magic Monday is an event I host on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month at 12 pm PST. We meet on Facebook LIVE and I answer any questions YOU have about Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors and Eating Disorders. The event is free and you are welcome to meet with me live or for the replay. Come and join us!
You can listen to the episode on iTunes HERE
You can listen to the episode on Stitcher HERE
You can listen to the episode streaming HERE
In today's podcast, I will share with you My 5 Favorite Tips for Managing Panic Attacks (or Anxiety Attacks).
When it comes to managing Panic, there is a lot of bad advice out there. I often have clients come to me reporting that they have been trying to "Stop Panicking" for years, only to find that nothing was working. If you are experiencing panic attacks (including symptoms such as fast heart rates, tight chests, hyperventilation, and fear that they will die, just to name a few, you are definitely not alone. Up to 6% of the population experience Panic Disorder.
As I mention in the episode, these 5 tips are not the ONLY tools you need, but they are super important and ones I share often with my clients. These mindfulness tools are SUPER helpful in managing your mindset and perspective on anxiety.
Hope on over to the podcast to listen!
You can listen to the episode on iTunes HERE
You can listen to the episode on Stitcher HERE
You can listen to the episode streaming HERE
Forward we go,